What is Mahabharata in Space?

Mahabharata in Space is the fusion of Bhartiya culture and space age. You may be wondering why our is Mahabharat in Space? When we think of the future, we are always seeing it through the eyes of Hollywood or Europeans. Through Mahabharata in Space, we wanted to give Indian as well as global children and youth an Indian vision of the future. It is the beginning of an universe of stories, comics, toys, action-figures, games and much more. It is a retelling of the greatest epic of human history.  Brother fights brother, 5000 characters, millions of soldiers, humans fighting with weapons that can tear the very fabric of space and time, the Gods themselves intervening to save all creation. Mahabharata, an epic without parallel, now retold on an even grander scale. An Alternate Universe where Bharata is a Galaxy and not the country which we know and love, where Laser Rifles and Power Swords take the place of bows, arrows and swords, where Chariots are replaced with Space Ships and Astras are missiles. The story of 5000 characters and their journey will hold true to the original but the the scale will be ginormous and the style will be space-age.

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I am sure most of you have heard the story of Romeo and Juliet, but do you know the story of Sage Ruru who gave up half his life to bring his fiancé Pramadvara back to life? I am sure most of you have at least heard of Socrates and Plato but have you heard of Sage Uddalaka Aruni who coined the Upanishadic Maha Vakya or Great Saying “Tat Tvam Asi”? I am sure you have heard of Ekalavya but do you know he was not poor tribal boy but actually the adopted Son of Hiranyadhanus, King of Nishadas and Senapati or Army chief of Magadha. Magadha was the most powerful Kingdom of the time and an enemy of Krishna and Kurus. King Jarasandha of Maghadha was the father-in-law of Kamsa, his war on Yadavas, after death of Kamsa, was so brutal that it forced Yadavas to migrate to Dawraka and even as far south as Gomanta or today’s Goa. Ekalavya grew upto become King of Nishadas and married Princes of Avanti, one of the richest Kingdoms of that time. Far from being discriminated or look down upon, Ekalavya was an honored King of his time. As King of Nishadas, after the death of Jarasandha at the hands of Bhima, Ekalavya attacked Dwaraka three times and was eventually killed by Krishna. So many, many other stories are waiting for you and the people around the world to read them, but we need your help to get these stories out. Please support us by buying our products or by donating to us through patreon, or other provided links.

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